
Technical main sponsor:  IFAC

Main sponsoring TC:
Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems (TC 1.3)

Co-sponsoring TCs:
Computers for Control (TC 3.1)
Manufacturing Plant Control (TC 5.1)

If you are interested in becoming an IFAC affiliate, you can find more information about it here: http://www.ifac-control.org/participate/ifac-affiliates

Technical co-sponsor:  IEEE Control Systems Society

If you are interested in becoming an IEEE CSS member, you can find more information about it here: http://www.ieee.org/societies_communities/societies/css.html

National technical sponsors : GDR MACS and SEE association


Sponsorship opportunities

Sponsor WODES 2014 and have your logo featured here.
Please contact us for further details.

Important Dates
Submission of special sessions:
October 31th, 2013

Paper submission:
November 8th, 2013, December 8, 2013

Notification of acceptance:
February 13th, 2014, February 20th, 2014

Final version: Mars 13th, Mars 20th, 2014

Date of Workshop: 14-16 May, 2014