
Admissions will be made through a comparative evaluation of candidates, as outlined in the Notice of Competition for the admission to the PhD programs. The notice is yearly posted on the web site of the University of Cagliari under the section dedicated to PhD programs, in May-June.

To qualify for a Ph.D. program, candidates must hold a second-level degree. Typically, the Ph.D. program spans three years.

Detailed calls and application instructions will also be available on the News and Deadlines page.

The selection process is based on three key elements: 1) the curriculum vitae, 2) an original research project, and 3) an oral interview.

Prospective international candidates are encouraged to submit a brief resume and two letters of recommendation to the PhD Program Coordinator by April-May of each year. Proficiency in English is a prerequisite for admission.

Candidates who rank highest among the admitted applicants (as indicated in the admission list) will receive fellowships and will be exempted from tuition fees. The number of fellowships available may vary each year.

IMPORTANT: If a candidate holds a foreign degree without a declared equivalence to the Italian Laurea Magistrale degree, they must provide all necessary documents for the Admission Committee to assess equivalence. These documents may require translation and certification by the relevant Italian representatives abroad (Embassy, Consulate).